Get the Sword Secrets I learned from 3 great masters in 14% of the time and 1% of the cost!
These little known Sword Master Secrets will take you to proficiency fast...
These little known Sword Master Secrets will take you to proficiency fast...
- Formal traditional sword –informal non-traditional sword and Unified sword
- Core Lessons from Master Teachers: Tenio, Hatsumi, Machida, Van Donk
- Enlightened Warrior™ teachings – Musashi Mind set – Center - Breath
- Overcoming Common Mistakes - Get it right the 1st time
- Sword etiquette – Bowing in with and to a sword – Sword Placement
- How to hold the sword - moving the blade in your hands
- Sword into Obi – drawing and cutting methods – return methods
- Sword postures – Moving and cutting from Kamae
- The presence of sword master in battle
- Bokken training (holding – cut parry blocking)
- Power of the Samurai Blade in action
- Master level taijutsu and unarmed against a sword
- Sword vs sword practice, drills, methods and fighting skills
- Winning without drawing
- Wazas- sitting and standing
- Rank certification Opportunity
I love the blade! Long - Short - Medium length.. It doesn’t matter I just love the magical combination that you can do with it. For me it is much more fascinating than unarmed martial arts. That love has taken me around the world in study and in sharing the arts. Sword study is a study of the mind, focus, precision, creativity and your personal empowerment. For the Samurai it was a way of life itself. The sword was like your soul in the blade. You lived or died by your talents with the sword. I can tell you that these very teachings will cross over into all you do in life.
The Sword Specialist Course is the first part of the Complete Sword Masters Course. If you can manage that then we highly reccomend it as you will get more right from the beginning and it will save you money in the long run.
And we know that the investment may be too steep for some and that is the sole reason that we offer the Sword Specialist Course.
This course will take you through Shoden which is equal to a Nidan. It is loaded and depending on your pace of study will take you about 3 years to complete - we give you four years and then require that you then or before upgrade to the Sword Masters Course - which has Lifetime Access.
Right now I am giving you a cool discount for making the full course payment now plus throwing in special bonus items and if you need it I offer a 3 payment plan, either way I’ve got you covered. More on that soon below.
If you have not already, I invite you to watch the above video first. Because I respect your time I have done my best in the video and the text below to give you enough but not too much information so that you can make a good decision.
Let’s get right to it. I hope you feel my passion…. you will when you study the Sword Teachings.
- Bushindo Martial Arts University -
Sword Specialist Course
(Shoden-ho and Shoden Levels)
Drum roll please.... You wanted it so I created it.... And it turned out fabulous. When you sign up for the Sword Specialist Course you get a loaded portal of 100+ posts (and growing) on the Shoden-Ho and Shoden teachings plus the Introduction to the Inner Arts. These teachings will bring you to a great foundation in the sword arts and introduce you to a unique way of being proficient in the sword. You will learn formal and informal methods from the various schools that I studied. And a few cool bonuses giving you many, many years of training. AND you get 4 years to complete the 3 year training before you need to upgrade to the Masters Course. Study non-stop or take your time. It will be waiting there for you.
My goal is to take you from how to hold a sword in the first level of Shoden-ho all the way up to Master Lever Mokuroku level (which is equal to 5th-6th Dan). I am using the OLD Menkyo Kaiden method of sword grading instead of the newer dan level way). The bullet points above gives you a basic knowledge of what is covered but the lessons are deep, insightful and exactly how to apply the knowledge. This new Members Only Sword Portal is filled with my original 2010 Sword Course Plus loaded with lots more.
Plus you will get many special bonuses and numerous resource downloads teaching you formal traditional sword, informal non-traditional sword fighting and the Unified Enlightened WarriorTM Sword for One "All In” LifeTime price.
In our private Online, members only Sword Portal I have placed hundreds of edited down video clips teaching you all the above and much, much more (we edited it down so only the really good stuff is presented). These video clips have never before released footage taken from several strategically crafted Sword Seminars that I have done over the years that I did specifically to create this course! Group dynamics draw the best out of me as the true art is dynamic and creative. Also, you will learn how the sword works in action instead of just static forms, which are valuable in another way. That is why you will learn the formal, informal and a fighting unified blend.
Those 5 events cost between $300 and $500 each to attend and You get the very best of those teachings included in your Sword Specialist Course and carried on in the Sword Masters Course so you know that lots more to learn is just waiting for when you are ready.
All of these clips are now structured into a step-by-step study format and you can review and drill with it until you LEARN IT AT YOUR OWN PACE - WHENEVER YOU WANT TO! If you came to one of these live events then you may see yourself there in one of the video clips.
Plus, of course I have added brand new video footage also filmed just for this course. AND over time I will be adding more to the Sword Course.... So as you grow there will be more advanced teachings waiting for you. The Masters Sword Portal does have at least 6 years worth of study material already in it... I know I over did it for you, but that’s me.... I'm an "ALL IN" kind of guy.
Also, I have loaded the Sword portal with downloads of Sword study materials, SwordManuals, Sword Knowledge, Sword Posture Charts, and Sword Parts Charts, etc.on pdf's so you can print them and put them into a binder or hang them on the wall for study reference. I am also adding the Enlightened WarriorTM Inner Arts Daily Practice to this study (a $400 value). This includes my own daily practice rountine that I personally formulated after traveling the world studying with many Inner Art masters.
And if that is not yet enough – there’s MORE!
In the Bonus section of the portal I will host will a random post section. When I find great related stuff that is outside the normal curriculum I will post it here for you. I must state that the majority of this bonus material will be only put in the Masters Course as it is meant for advanced training. But it will be there when you get there. The Sword Specialist Course is loaded with training. We have a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee on the course so some of the bonuses will be given then. You will get bonus teachings like the Inner Arts, K "How to make your own Bokken scabbard" from a golf tube presented by Guest instructor Roman Marquez, Seminars Events, Random Thought Teachings and DeCuerdas Knife training. PLUS MORE!
The beauty of having the Coaching Portal set up rather than a regular Dvd course is the ability to have group coaching by me and others that are all studying the system together. Under EVERY post their is a private to the group only comments or questions feed! Got a question or a tip type it in. We get to hang out and converse about the Sword and Enlightened WarrriorTM methods.
And since we can all connect together and interact through this new Portal format, the friends that you meet and speak with and the community you become part of in this program may be the greatest value of the training. Through the arts I have met some of my best friends in life and you will too.
Ok, I know that I’m missing something.... Oh yes, that’s right, I forgot to mention that there is a complete Menkyo Kaiden style ranking system as well.. to save time you can read all about that inside the Coaching Portal .... Plus sometime in the future there will be a by-invitation-only Teacher Training Opportunity offered only to those in the Sword Masters Program and skilled enough to share the arts, which would be the Shoden level.
Many Years of training taking you from beginner to master, if you study hard.
These little known Sword Master Secrets will take you to proficiency fast...
- Formal traditional sword –informal non-traditional sword and Unified sword
- Core Lessons from Master Teachers: Tenio, Hatsumi, Machida, Van Donk
- Enlightened Warrior™ teachings – Musashi Mind set – Center - Breath
- Overcoming Common Mistakes - Get it right the 1st time
- Sword etiquette – Bowing in with and to a sword – Sword Placement
- How to hold the sword - moving the blade in your hands
- Sword into Obi – drawing and cutting methods – return methods
- Sword postures – Moving and cutting from Kamae
- The presence of sword master in battle
- Bokken training (holding – cut parry blocking)
- Power of the Samurai Blade in action
- Master level taijutsu and unarmed against a sword
- Sword vs sword practice, drills, methods and fighting skills
- Winning without drawing
- Wazas- sitting and standing
- Rank certification Opportunity
So you can tell that I’ve loaded the Sword Portal up for you.... When you see the investment price you will be AMAZED that I am giving you at least 3 years of study material - Shoden-ho (Level 1), Shoden (Level 2), Intro Enlightened WarriorTM Teachings ($200 value), Resource downloads, plus Personal Coaching and Group CCoaching (Priceless!!).
Why am I telling you all this stuff?... well, honestly, I know the value of these teachings, what they have given me in my own personal life and the growth that I have watched in the lives of thousands of students who have come to me to receive the teachings. I want that for you too. Are you with me? It is fun and life changing for those that study it.
If you love the Sword or bladed arts then this course is for you. I say that with confidence as I studied with a short blade, close-in fighting master for 15 years - reaching the inheritance level, plus I studied with the best informal Japanese budo sword master I could find for over 30 years - reaching Shihan Menkyo level, and I studied with the best formal Japanese sword master I could find for over 15 years - reaching senior Shihan Menkyo status. Plus I have brought hundreds of students to master level in the martial arts in my 40+ years of teaching the arts. So I think you’ll agree I have the experience with those results, that I have gone the distance myself and I also must know how to teach.
Let me ask you this.
Where else are you going to get all of this training available in ONE place where you can study it Anytime from Anywhere?
Remember that this is a multi-year course that it already loaded and tested for years by students.
Well, since you are still here with me I will assume you are very interested in the training, then let me be bold here and ask you to just sign up - get started with me NOW…. You will be glad that you did and I have a full 30 day Money Back Guarantee, if you are not fully satisfied.
Just to help your decision on which Course to Join right now I have included these Charts.
In the Sword Specialist Course you are getting Shoden-Ho and Shoden Levels. In the Sword Masters you get it All.

Enroll in the perfect Sword Course shown on the right and
Get Instant Access Now!
We’ll talk soon and I will see you in the Sword Program!